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EDITORIAL: Common sense needed on dogs

"Don't worry, he's friendly.

"Don't worry, he's friendly." How often have you heard that when running into an off-leash dog and its owner in a public park or on a public trail?

Perhaps what you should hear is a little acknowledgement that some people might be a little concerned about your pet. And maybe it's time to leash the little darling.

As the Tri-Cities gets denser with pooches as well as people it's going to get to the point where you'll need a doggie courtesy lesson before you can even own a canine. Unfortunately, a few thoughtless people make it bad for everyone.

Things are getting so bad that Coquitlam park trash bins are overflowing with dog poop and the city is looking at specifying trails in Mundy Park as off-leash and on-leash, plus a trail where pets would be prohibited.

A cheaper option would be a little common sense but that seems to be in short supply these days.