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EDITORIAL: Make records mandatory?

Parents have to prove both their child's residency and provide birth documentation upon enrolment in school.

Parents have to prove both their child's residency and provide birth documentation upon enrolment in school. So why don't they need to show their vaccination records? At the very least, this requirement would remind parents to keep records up to date.

Fraser Health does a check when students get booster shots in Grades 6 and 9 but those records aren't kept in any kind of database, and international students may be even more challenged to produce records in the event of a disease outbreak, such as the recent measles diagnosis at Terry Fox secondary.

A national database of vaccinations has been recommended and in some countries, such as Australia, families don't get child care benefits unless their child is vaccinated. While there doesn't seem to be any appetite for these measures in Canada, parents will need to be scrupulous and current in their record keeping.