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EDITORIAL: Trash's ugly underbelly

When it comes to dealing with human garbage and doggie waste, the Tri-Cities are no utopia.

When it comes to dealing with human garbage and doggie waste, the Tri-Cities are no utopia.

The politicians tell us that, for the most part, people are dealing with the new waste rules that require them to sort their garbage and are coping with fewer trash pickups.

But there is an ugly underbelly to this trash issue and many people aren't buying into the recycle-more-waste-less mantra. They're chucking their garbage in parks, throwing their doggie do bags into bushes and leaving food in trails that are highways for hungry bears. We're also seeing large items dumped in green belts because people resent paying high tipping fees at transfer stations.

It would be nice to think everyone bought into the new reality it is and will continue to be the reality and the regs are far from onerous but the fact is, people don't and cleaning up the mess is costing us a bundle.