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LETTER: Time for regs on driverless vehicles

The Editor, The media are saying that we are about to have driverless cars visited upon us. The experts assure us they are perfectly safe and, with our customary blind faith, we gobble up their words without hesitation.

The Editor,

The media are saying that we are about to have driverless cars visited upon us.

The experts assure us they are perfectly safe and, with our customary blind faith, we gobble up their words without hesitation.

But what if one of these soulless machines hits and kills your grandmother? What will the owner say? "Tough luck, Granny. Just a glitch. Not my doing. I wasn't even there."

Unfortunately, the clichés about the experts building the Titanic and the Chernobyl reactor seem as relevant as ever.

Legislation specifically governing responsibility for these contraptions is already overdue. Why wait for a body count?

Doug Rolling,

Port Coquitlam