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In the Community

BEARS IN AREA: It's bedtime and, boy, are those bears hungry

The bears you see in the Tri-Cities scrounging the last of this season's blueberry crop, getting into your garbage or just walking along the trails are preparing for a winter nap that is rather unique.

BEARS IN AREA: Seeds help birds but can attract bruins

Tri-City residents living near greenbelts should take extra precautions with bird seed to avoid conflicts with bears.

BEARS IN AREA: A roundup of bear info

ARE BEARS SMART? Bears have one of the highest brain-to-body mass ratios of all the mammals and are adept at sourcing food, opening doors and windows, and using tools.

Scary story contest for Tri-City youth

The annual Scary Story Contest - presented by Coquitlam Public Library, Port Moody Public Library and The Tri-City News - is back and welcomes writers in two age categories: 11 to 14 years and 15 to 18 years. We can hear you snickering to yourself.

BEARS IN AREA: Take a bear walk in Coquitlam

Curious about bears? Want to learn how to stay safe while hiking in local parks? Drop by Minnekhada Lodge on Sunday, Oct. 2 between 1 and 4 p.m. and chat with a park interpreter about black bear biology.

BEARS IN AREA: Hibernation may hold medical secrets

It might seem like a nuisance to lock up or freeze smelly food waste and suspend bird feeders from high wires to discourage bears from hanging around but the natural condition known as hibernation is a fascinating stage of life that could hold promis

Help pets and help Coquitlam Animal Shelter

The fourth annual Pedigree Adoption Drive campaign has teamed up with the Coquitlam Animal Shelter and 29 others across Canada to help dogs find homes and to raise awareness of the importance of dog adoption.

Toy Run Sunday starts in Coquitlam

The 33rd annual Motorcycle Toy Run goes this Sunday, Oct. 2, leaving Coquitlam Centre at 10 a.m. and heading to the PNE in Vancouver.

Pay for plays in PoCo

A series of plays the city of Port Coquitlam is considering funding would teach children the importance of reducing waste and minimizing their carbon foot print.

Big Brothers needs mentors for schools

Big Brothers of Greater Vancouver is looking for 20 people in the Tri-Cities area to volunteer one hour each week on school grounds with a boy or girl.