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GREEN SCENE: Celebrating the salmon in our streams

T his is the season of the salmon. Just as spring brings forth a welcoming rebirth of plant life, autumn on the B.C.

MINTER: Get some stunning spring colour from bulbs

A lthough it's always nice to see the first bulbs of spring add their charm and brightness to an often wet, cold and sometimes snowy late winter, their first appearance could be so much more.

YOUR HISTORY: Celebrating women's roles in Canadian & Coquitlam history

It's hard to imagine that prior to Oct. 18, 1929, women were not considered persons in the eyes of Canada's Supreme Court, and thus ineligible to sit in the Senate.

A GOOD READ: Not all vampires & bleak futures in teen reads

R eading teen fiction isn't just for teenagers anymore. Twilight and The Hunger Games were bestsellers and the explosion of great books means that there are lots more to choose from. And it's not all vampires and bleak futures.

CURTIS: Bountiful fall delights available

October is such a capricious month. It can start out in a glorious blaze of warmth, tailgating on the end of summer, and suddenly turn dark, dreary and wet, setting the stage for the cold months ahead. The bounty of the garden is like that, too.

MINTER: Your October garden checklist

O ctober is an important month for many things in our gardens. It's the last chance to plant garlic for harvest next July. Raised beds, sandy soil and a sunny location are key. Russian and Elephant garlic are usually the most successful in our area.

BOOKS PLUS: Bestsellers, babies & BOO!

COQUITLAM Beginner internet: If you already feel confident using the mouse, sign up for a free beginner internet class on Oct. 15, 2 to 3 p.m. at the City Centre branch. Learn the basics of the internet and be surfing in no time.

A GOOD READ: Wise words and good stories on autism

A utism is the fastest growing developmental disability today. In the last six years, it has been reported that its prevalence has increased by about 80% in Canada.

MINTER: Grey, wet autumn is here, which means it's time for some colour

O K, we've had heavy rain pounding down the last of our summer garden colour, so now what? We all need a little colour boost when the days get cooler, darker and much wetter.

BOOKS PLUS: Computers & canoes, too

COQUITLAM Internet searching: This class runs from 2 to 3 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 8 at the City Centre branch and is for those who have taken the beginner class or have sufficient experience.