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BOOKS PLUS: Databases for kids and more at Tri-City libraries

Books Plus runs in The Tri-City News each Friday to highlight programs and happenings in the Tri-Cities' three libraries: Coquitlam Public Library, Port Moody Public Library and Terry Fox Library in Port Coquitlam.

MINTER: Give containers a try for colour in winter

O ver the next two seasons, when the weather turns cooler and wetter, and with shorter hours of daylight, wouldn't it be wonderful to brighten up your patio with some great winter colour? Enhancing our patios with colourful containers is easier than

A GOOD READ: From magicians to teenage musicians

F all is here and it's time to cozy up with a good book. Here are several of them: The Magicians and Mrs.

BOOKS PLUS: Play and learn events for the little ones

Books Plus runs in The Tri-City News each Friday to highlight programs and happenings in the Tri-Cities' three libraries: Coquitlam Public Library, Port Moody PUblic Library and Terry Fox Library in Port Coquitlam.

MINTER: Tiny flowers will be the harbingers of spring

T he garden giants of spring colour are giving way to their smaller cousins that actually repeat their performance year after year and leave a very soft footprint of dying and unsightly foliage.

GREEN SCENE: Looking forward to those replenishing rains

T he last Sunday in September marks World Rivers Day with events scheduled around B.C.,including a number in the Tri-Cities area.

A GOOD READ: Take a walk outdoors and then read a fall picture book

A s the leaves turn colour, days grow shorter and the chill is felt in the air, it is a natural time to think about all those wonderful childhood stories about fall.

SENIORS: BBB says don't get conned by furnace fraudsters

Fall is the ideal time of year to have your furnace serviced - before the busy winter season starts.

BOOKS PLUS: Movie nights, video games & teen committee

Books Plus runs in The Tri-City News each Friday to highlight programs and happenings in the Tri-Cities' three libraries: Coquitlam Public Library , Port Moody Public Library and Terry Fox Library in Port Coquitlam.

MINTER: Give winter kale a chance

A s summer gives way to fall and fall fades into the short, dark, wet and cool days of winter, we're all looking to add some brighteners to our gardens and containers.