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BOOKS PLUS: Mangos, golf & energy

Books Plus runs in The Tri-City News each Friday to highlight programs and happenings in the Tri-Cities' three libraries: Coquitlam Public Library, Port Moody Public Library and Terry Fox Library in Port Coquitlam.

MINTER: There's still time to plant some veggies

August is a very important transitional time in our vegetable gardens: Some vegetables are still maturing but many others have finished completely, leaving gaps here and there that could still produce a few crops.

A GOOD READ: Some storytime favourites for youngsters

I've been leading children's storytimes at the Terry Fox Library for 10 years and I'm still happy when it's that time of day and I get to walk into the story room and read to children.

WELLNESS: Support groups aplenty in Tri-City

Following are listings taken from Support Groups section of The Tri-City News' Community Calendar: Port Moody Alanon Family Group open meeting, Wednesdays, 8 p.m., St. Andrews Church, 2318 St. Johns St., Port Moody. Info: 604-461-6991.

WELLNESS: Cancers crave carbs, B.C. research shows

New research from the BC Cancer Agency shows that a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet slows cancer growth and may actually prevent cancers from forming.

BOOKS PLUS: Make friends, wear PJs

Books Plus runs in The Tri-City News each Friday to highlight programs and happenings in the Tri-Cities' three libraries: Coquitlam Public Library, Port Moody Public Library and Terry Fox Library in Port Coquitlam.

MINTER: Blooming perennials make a difference

When late summer arrives, far too many landscapes look a bit tired, tatty and worn out. This is especially true when the summer has been long and hot.

GREEN SCENE: BC Parks are province's tarnished jewels

In the last Green Scene column, I outlined the history of Strathcona Park, B.C.'s first provincial park, and described the struggles to protect this supposedly protected place from mining, logging and hydroelectric development.

YOUR HISTORY: Old building is supporting new tourism

Early retirement is not a universal goal. Some things increase their value and purpose with age. The Fraser Mills Train Station is a good example of this.

MINTER: Hydrangeas ready to attract attention

Virtually every well-tended garden is now going through its summer cycle of colour but one flowering shrub is preparing to steal the show. Hydrangeas, next to roses, are perhaps the most common deciduous flowering shrub in West Coast gardens.