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Letter: Coquitlam school district needs to build a bigger Glen Elementary

With all the new residents about to move into the City Centre neighbourhood in Coquitlam, the elementary school needs to increase in size, the letter writer states.
Glen Elementary School in Coquitlam's City Centre neighbourhood needs to expand, the letter writer states.

The Editor,

After reading the June 22 article about city council giving the first reading to rezone and sell the property at 1185 Westwood St. to a developer, all I could think of was how short-sighted it was of School District 43 to transfer the land to the city in 2017 in exchange for improvements to various schools and access to Glen Park.

The building of several condos was already going on at that time in the area and now we have condos going up/planned for all along Pipeline Road, close to Glen Elementary.

In addition, there is the new Polygon building across the street from this site and, next to that, an Onni building will be going up.

There are also condos planned for Westwood at Lincoln.

Like so many other cities, our city council is putting the cart ahead of the horse in that they are not keeping up with infrastructure.

Yes, we need housing but with all these condos going up, where are the kids to go to school?

In their June 12 agenda to discuss this topic it states that “based on 296 residential units, there would be an estimated 60 children in the development.”

And that is just this proposed building. What about all the other buildings going up?

How about forgoing yet another tower and building a bigger Glen Elementary?

Since they moved the school to the other end of Glen Street, they have already added on to it and now — more than ever — it needs to be expanded to accommodate all the children that will be moving into that area.

—A.M. Clayton, Coquitlam