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Letter: This new bike lane in Coquitlam is actually making it less safe for cyclists

The author is a regular bike commuter along Guildford Way
MARIO BARTEL/TRI-CITY NEWS A reader says the new separated bike lane on Guildford Way in Coquitlam is actually more dangerous for cyclists.

The Editor:

It’s great to see some budget allocated to improve bike infrastructure in the city. However, I have a few words to say on the implementation in this particular case.

I’ve been riding Guilford on my commute to work almost every single weekday from February to October for the last 10 years and together with another fellow we swap legend status on Strava on a given segment. I suppose that allows me to compare the old bike path and the newly built one.

Here are my observations:

  • New construction made car lanes narrower, which I’m sure is appreciated by the truck drivers.
  • Cyclists now have to literally ride through bus stops scaring people away and it’s an accident waiting to happen.
  • The bike path itself, even for reasonably experienced riders, it takes some efforts to pass each other. Any newbie will ride in the middle of the path, making passing challenging and dangerous for both.
  • Most cycling accidents happen in intersections. The new concrete dividers with those poles make it harder for cars to see the cyclists.
  • The quality of the build around bus stop is very questionable. Asphalt is uneven, which again raises a question on the safety.
  • It’s close to impossible to clean up the new bike path now. What was the thought behind winter and spring maintenance?

So, will somebody from the city be brave enough to comment on my questions:

  • How much city taxpayers’ money was spent on this project?
  • Who was consulted on the implementation plan and was any cycling body involved in the review of the project (HUB, Cycling BC, etc) ?
  • Was there even a public feedback on the construction? I haven’t seen a single poll on the project.
  • Obviously this whole project is clearly connected to the rollout of scooter rentals in the city; was the project partially paid by those companies?

- Dmitry Khrisanov, Coquitlam