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Port Coquitlam launches first-ever city-wide litter clean-up blitz

Port Coquitlam works crews will be up cleaning up litter in three zones beginning Monday, July 10.
Port Coquitlam is conducting a three-day litter blitz next week.

Port Coquitlam is tackling litter, graffiti and illegal dumping as it aims to beautify the city for the summer.

In a release today (July 6), the city announced its first ever litter clean-up blitz will run from July 10 to 12.

Often, litter clean-ups are the chore of citizen advocates, who adopt a street, promote a cause, like The Reno Kindness Challenge, or see it as their duty to clean up along the Coquitlam River, like Carl Ronka, Web of Life founder.

How it works

City crews will be handling the jobs: removing illegal dumping, cleaning up graffiti, picking up litter in city parks and sweeping streets.

Others will work through all three areas (downtown, north and south), with each zone expected to take up to five hours, and a road sweeper finishing up the day.

Staff with pickers and buckets will be out and about cleaning up litter around the community.

As well, residents may notice street sweepers and additional city vehicles on the streets.

Progress updates will be shared through social media on a daily basis.

What areas will be covered by the clean-up blitz:

  • Monday (July 10): Downtown
  • Tuesday (July 11): North side
  • Wednesday (July 12): South side

Workers to do the job come from parks, solid waste and streets, including permanent and casual staff, with between eight and 12 workers taking part each day.

No additional funding is required as it's mostly scheduled work with a few extra workers added in during the three days, according to the city.

"We have just shifted our priorities slightly to complete the work within this allotted days/times," stated osh Frederick, director of public works and engineering, in an email to the Tri-City News.

In the meantime, Port Coquitlam’s mayor says the city wants to look its best while delivering "core services" to residents.

"Keeping our city beautiful, clean and safe is a core responsibility of the city and a key part of our of getting the basics right approach," Mayor Brad West stated.

"Delivering these core city services that matter to our community are exactly what residents and businesses pay property taxes for."

He also hopes the initiative will instill civic pride.

The initiative follows a successful pothole repair blitz that saw city works crews fill more than 160 of the nuisance road issues in late April.

The litter blitz will include:

  • Roadside litter pick-up, including major arterial roads
  • Clean-up around targeted catch basins in neighbourhoods
  • Surrounding trails
  • Street sweeping to clean up debris
  • Litter and debris removal in city parks
  • Illegal dumping cleanup
  • Graffiti cleanup

There may be some slow down on city roads, according to the press release, and residents driving or cycling are advised to expect minor delays around crews.

Residents asked to help out

“Along with city crews focusing on cleanliness, we also appreciate the helps from our community. When we see litter in a park or along a roadside, we should consider doing our part to help keep our community clean,” West stated.

Residents can help keep the community clean and beautiful by signing up for the city's Adopt-A-Spot program. Through the program, local residents, families, youth groups, seniors, businesses, schools and community groups adopt a stretch of street, park or trail for a designated period of time.

Participants in Adopt-A-Spot keep their area free of litter and assist with weeding, watering and graffiti removal.

To learn more about Adopt-A-Spot and to get involved, visit

Residents can also report areas of concern on the City of Port Coquitlam's website, through the PoCo Sort and Report app or by calling 604-927-3111.