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Critics of private power projects have not been silenced

Critics of private power projects have not been silenced

The Editor, Re. "Power producers plead their case to province" (BC Views, The Tri-City News, Sept. 14).
YORKE: The future starts now - and it's a bit frightening

YORKE: The future starts now - and it's a bit frightening

Here in Chicago, the ever-present ice cream man is still on the block, with his melodic bell piercing the air and enticing throngs of hungry children on their way home from school.
EDITORIAL: It's our turn to pick up Terry's torch

EDITORIAL: It's our turn to pick up Terry's torch

With a national hero, Terry Fox, being a hometown boy, it's no surprise that the Terry Fox Run has become a Tri-City institution. Indeed, it could be argued that the support for his cause is possibly stronger here than anywhere else.
Nursing student is a lifesaver

Nursing student is a lifesaver

The Editor, Re. "Student nurse doesn't take the summer off" (The Tri-City News, Sept. 2). How good and wonderful to see the beauty of youth on the front page of The Tri-City News .
Weekly garbage pick-up = one vote

Weekly garbage pick-up = one vote

The Editor, As someone who has not participated in civic elections before, I cannot wait for this coming one in November.
Would a municipal auditor save money?

Would a municipal auditor save money?

The Editor, Re. "PoCo not impressed with new auditor position" (The Tri-City News, Sept. 2). Before rushing into a municipal auditing system run by the province, we should pause and weigh the costs and benefits to local taxpayers.
EDITORIAL: Back to homework

EDITORIAL: Back to homework

The carefree days of summer are coming to an end and with the return to school comes the dreaded homework.
There are already measures to monitor cities

There are already measures to monitor cities

The Editor, Re. "PoCo not impressed with new auditor position" (The Tri-City News, Sept. 2).
Veggies in community garden aren't free

Veggies in community garden aren't free

The Editor, My wife and I are gardeners at a local community garden. Recently, someone asked me if they could visit the community garden to freely pick vegetables. The short answer is "No.
RADIA: Thanks to Yanks, world is safer

RADIA: Thanks to Yanks, world is safer

FACE TO FACE: What, 10 years later, is the legacy of Sept. 11, 2001? On Sunday, the world will mark the 10th anniversary of the worst terror attacks on U.S. soil. Shortly after the 9/11 assaults that killed almost 3,000 Americans, U.S.