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Real Estate News

B.C. government strikes ‘affordable housing’ deal with United Church of Canada

B.C. government strikes ‘affordable housing’ deal with United Church of Canada

The provincial government will spend $12.4 million to help the B.C. Conference of the United Church of Canada redevelop some of its land in Vancouver, Coquitlam, Nanaimo and Richmond into a total of 414 new “affordable” rental homes.
Rental task force not enough: Burnaby housing activist

Rental task force not enough: Burnaby housing activist

B.C. Premier John Horgan announced this week the provincial government will be launching a task force to improve tenancy laws, but for renters in Burnaby's Metrotown neighbourhood, increased protections for tenants may not be enough.
B.C. home prices predicted to keep climbing as seller’s market persists

B.C. home prices predicted to keep climbing as seller’s market persists

The number of homes for sale across the province are at or near a 12-year low, pushing prices ever upwards, according to the B.C. Real Estate Association’s monthly statistical report released April 12.
B.C. government forms Rental Housing Task Force

B.C. government forms Rental Housing Task Force

Three-person task force to be led by Vancouver-West End MLA Spencer Chandra Herbert
B.C.-wide coalition launches ‘Scrap the Speculation Tax’ campaign

B.C.-wide coalition launches ‘Scrap the Speculation Tax’ campaign

It started with a “Stop the Speculation Tax” petition that was launched last month by disgruntled home owners opposing the province's proposed annual tax on underused second homes in areas across B.C.
Strata sale reveals older Richmond apartments being eyed by developers

Strata sale reveals older Richmond apartments being eyed by developers

Sale of 41-year-old, 102-unit apartment Ascott Wynde could set a precedent
Top 5 priciest homes for sale in the Lower Mainland

Top 5 priciest homes for sale in the Lower Mainland

Now that a huge North Vancouver estate, listed for a record $36.

Home sales slide in the Tri-Cities

The number of transactions down significantly in March compared to the same month last year
Region’s home prices still creeping up despite market jitters

Region’s home prices still creeping up despite market jitters

March is often the hottest month of the year – at least in terms of real estate sales. But compared with March activity of the past few years, last month was a bit of a wet blanket.
'China's Amazon' to start selling Canadian real estate

'China's Amazon' to start selling Canadian real estate

Chinese consumers can now buy Canadian homes online through a deal inked with, China’s largest real estate website selling international properties, and, which is China’s largest retailer, both online and offline.