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In the Community

Caregivers info covered on Jan. 11 in Coquitlam

A variety of issues face those who care for seniors. That's why Community Volunteer Services for Seniors (CVSS) is hosting a Caregivers Connections information session in the new year.

Reading Buddies for kids at Terry Fox Library

Parents, if you have a son or daughter in kindergarten to Grade 3 who would like to be a better reader, Reading Buddies at Port Coquitlam's Terry Fox Library is a way to get extra practice.

Tips to help seniors stay fall-free this winter

With cold weather come slippery conditions so the province of B.C. has issued the following tips for seniors to help them avoid slips and falls.

Dialogue and Discourse Jan. 3 at Dogwood Pavilion

You can kick off 2012 with a chat - a thoughtful chat - at Dialogue and Discourse Jan. 3, 9:45 a.m. at Coquitlam's Dogwood Pavilion.

Science is topic of January Philosophers' Cafe in PoCo

Has science disenchanted our world? That's the question to be addressed at the first SFU Philosophers' Cafe of the new year, being held at 7 p.m. Jan. 16 at the Gathering Place in Port Coquitlam's Leigh Square. Admission is free.

Coquitlam student St. John is Rhodes Scholar

When Sarah St. John graduates from SFU this spring, like many new university grads, she will pack a bag and head to Europe. Unlike almost all of those grads, however, St. John's trip will be as much about changing the world as seeing it.

Final bleed and feed Dec. 29 in Coquitlam

Tri-City residents have one more chance to do two good deeds at once with the final Bleed and Feed blood donor clinic of the year.

THINGS TO DO: Have a Merry Christmas

SATURDAY, DEC. 24 BE ARTY Looking for a little artistic inspiration? Check out the Leigh Square Community Arts Village's ongoing exhibit, the Alcuin Society Awards for Excellence for Book Design in Canada.

Caregivers education set for January in Coquitlam

A variety of issues face those who care for seniors - from dementia and medical concerns to legal problems. That's why Community Volunteer Services for Seniors (CVSS) is hosting a Caregivers Connections information session in the new year.

Welcome to Canada, welcome to turkey and tradition

For many families, a Christmas turkey is a holiday staple, with recipes and techniques handed down through the generations.