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GOLDS: When bees are in trouble, so are we

W e are now into the summer season, when many locally grown fresh foods become available at farmers' markets and in stores.

MINTER: Beans, beans the... vitamin-rich veggie

B eans are one of the really healthy veggies, containing vitamins A, B and C, calcium, phosphorous, iron, lots of fibre and they have only 31 calories per cup.

BOOKS PLUS: Summer is for clubs at Tri-City libraries

Books Plus runs in The Tri-City News each Friday to highlight programs and happenings in the Tri-Cities' three libraries: Coquitlam Public Library, Port Moody Public Library and Terry Fox Library in Port Coquitlam.

A GOOD READ: Teens can get their summer started with books

T eens, school is out and you can read what you want. Here are a few good books to get your summer started. Ask at your local public library for more suggestions. Ashes by Ilsa J. Bick : Alex's brain tumour isn't getting any better.

BOOKS PLUS: Bugs, summer reading and golf in Tri-City libraries

Books Plus runs in The Tri-City News each Friday to highlight programs and happenings in the Tri-Cities' three libraries: Coquitlam Public Library, Port Moody Public Library and Terry Fox Library in Port Coquitlam.

MINTER: Popular cucumbers come in many varieties

C an you imagine a salad without cucumbers? Don't you love a cool crisp cucumber sandwich on a hot day, or fresh cucumbers in vinegar? And what would a grilled cheese sandwich or hamburger be without pickles? Well, cucumbers are just about the most p

MINTER: Warmth will help you grow vegetables

O nce again, with cold spring weather persisting into June, it has been a year of challenges for our food gardens. The good news is there's still lots of time to get our veggies and fruits planted.

A GOOD READ: E-books, audiobooks great for summer travel

N ow that summer is on its way, we are all thinking about holidays - and holidays include more time for reading, right? Wonderful stacks of books to be lugged from home to cottage, or stuffed into suitcases for that plane or car trip.

MINTER: Get Dad something green for Father's Day

We always talk about plant ideas for Mom on Mother's Day but somehow Dads seem to be relegated to ties, tools and sports equipment. Well, it's time to rethink the Dad - plant thing.

GOLDS: Lack of consultation on Bill C-38

People who read newspapers should, by now, be familiar with the broad outlines of the Harper government's Omnibus Bill which is now moving towards passage in Ottawa.