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Donated bag contained extra dough

Value Village staff discovered an unusually generous donation when they discovered cash inside a laptop bag last week. The black bag, with "Talvest Mutual Funds" embroidered on it, was left at the Barnet Highway location on or around Oct. 13.

ELECTION 2014: Video for Jeanette Jackson, Port Moody school board

Jeanette Jackson Age: 35 Occupation: Senior strategy executive Phone: 604-216-1194 Online: Facebook Twitter @jeanetteinbiz

ELECTION 2014: Video for Glenn Pollock, Port Coquitlam council

Glenn Pollock Age: 56 Occupation: Constituency assistant to MLA Mike Farnworth Phone: 604-771-4415 Online: Facebook; Twitter @PoCoGlenn; email: [email protected]

ELECTION 2014: Video for Cathy Cena, Port Moody council

Cathy Cena Age: 43 Occupation: business development manager - Avid Volunteer Phone number: 778-355-2482 Website/email:, [email protected] Online:; Twitter @cathycena1

ELECTION 2014: Video for Andy Shen, Coquitlam council

Andy Shen Age: 25 Occupation: special assistant to an MP Phone number: 778-384-8998 Website: [email protected] Online: Facebook ( and Twitter (@andyshen_ca)

ELECTION 2014: Video for Alexander Peter Swistak, Port Moody school board

Alexander Peter Swistak Age: 21 Occupation: SFU Political Science Student/English and Social Studies Instructor Phone: 604-808-2764 Online: Facebook

ELECTION 2014: Video for Larry Ryan, Coquitlam school board

Larry Ryan Age: 43 Occupation: Burnaby school teacher Phone: 778-893-7483 Online:, Facebook: LarryRyanForCoquitlamTrustee Twitter: @larry_ryan_43

ELECTION 2014: Video for Mike Clay, Port Moody mayoralty

Mike Clay Age: 48 Occupation: mayor, IT consultant Phone number: 778-655-1901 Website/email:, [email protected] Online:; Twitter @MikeEClay;

Port Moody Library details immediate renovation plans

Port Moody council got a glimpse at the library's renovation plans - and the nearly $500,000 price tag - at an update last week. Built in 1995, the Port Moody Public Library is out of space and is in need of repairs.

ELECTION 2014: Video for Chuck Denison, Coquitlam school board

Chuck Denison Age: Not supplied Occupation: Entrepreneur - home renovations Phone: 604-614-9772 Online: Facebook, Twitter: @ChuckDenisonBC