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Coquitlam man narrowly avoids being scammed

An 80-year-old Coquitlam man was almost bilked out of $2,000 after someone claiming to be his grandson phoned crying and requesting the money to pay for bail.

Daigle found guilty of murder

Darlene Daigle, the Coquitlam woman on trial for stabbing her ex-boyfriend to death more than three years, has been found guilty.

Expenses, wages paid out to higher salary earners in Coquitlam district increased last year

How well did School District 43 do in containing its costs last year? Those answers can be found in the latest Statement of Financial Information (SOFI) released to the public this week.

End to home mail delivery and hikes to stamp prices raises concerns

Purchasing stamps will get more expensive and home mail delivery will cease, raising concerns about the impact of Canada Post changes on low-income people, seniors and even small businesses in the Tri-Cities.

Driver sought in Port Moody hit and run

A 17-year-old female pedestrian was lucky to escape without any serious injuries after she was struck by a white minivan while crossing St. Johns Street Tuesday morning.

Think of Me campaign sends don't drink and drive message

Coquitlam RCMP, School District 43 and ICBC joined forces this week to promote a message of 'don't drink and drive' during a special event at Westwood elementary school in Port Coquitlam.

Port Moody woman wants her medal from the pope back

Of all the things that were stolen during a break-in at Barb Dowding's Port Moody home, the item she wants back the most has little monetary value.

Don't let eateries turn into pubs, Coquitlam council says

A popular Coquitlam restaurant was denied a bid to add to its liquor licence this week.

Shelter ready to open after Good Neighbour Agreement signed

It's said good fences make good neighbours.

Highway 1 detour at midnight for construction

Late night drivers on Highway 1 westbound should prepare for a detour to make way for Port Mann Highway 1 construction. According to a recent bulletin, Highway 1 westbound will be closed at Brunette Avenue between midnight and 4 a.m. Tuesday, Dec.