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Local News

City handing out fines to snow-clearing scofflaws

The city of Port Coquitlam issued notices this week to businesses in the downtown area and along Broadway Street for not shovelling their sidewalks.

City looks to crack down on over-eager builders

A builder who was issued with a stop-work order by the city of Coquitlam last month while constructing a show home on Burke Mountain is expected to meet with city staff this week.

Lots of work planned along Evergreen Line

As Coquitlam positions itself for massive growth over the next few years to get ready for the Evergreen Line, city managers are trying to find the best way to get residents involved to shape growth.

Freill a Coquitlam first

Coquitlam RCMP has a new officer in charge of its plainclothes investigations, crime prevention and crime reduction units. Insp.

Mat program moves to 'ground zero' at Northside's Grace Church

By Tyler Orton The Tri-City News A Tri-City homeless outreach organization plans to transfer all its shelter services to Northside Church's Grace building in Port Coquitlam this October, ending the practice of rotating the cold/wet weather mat progra

Changes planned for next election

After a difficult time enforcing sign bylaws in the run-up to last fall's municipal election, the city of Port Moody has established an election task force to examine issues related to signs and voter awareness.

Porter student still thinks pink

An anti-bullying symbol torn down from a fence at Porter Street elementary school over the Christmas break will be re-installed, says the boy who initiated the project.

MLA disclosures show their assets and income sources

The Tri-Cities' three MLAs own properties in the area, have personal assets and debts, but did not accept gifts of $250 or more last year, according to public disclosure statements released recently. The papers filed through B.C.

New Town Centre library 3 months later than planned

It's cold, dark and empty now but when it opens - likely sometime this fall - Coquitlam's new Town Centre library branch will be a bustling hub of learning, relaxing and collaboration.

Port Moody honours four community leaders

The city of Port Moody honoured the outstanding contributions of four people at its annual civic appreciation dinner on Saturday. Helen Daniels was recognized for her ongoing contribution to the arts with the Arts Award.