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Planning to help people's health

Planning to help people's health

The Editor, According to a report in the Canadian Medical Association Journal , obesity has tripled among Canadian adults in one short generation, reminding us of the seriousness of the obesity epidemic.
COLUMN: Lessons learned from an uncommon cold

COLUMN: Lessons learned from an uncommon cold

W ho knew what appeared to be the common cold was instead something that could bring me to tears? Recently, my husband and I were confined to Surrey Memorial Hospital's pediatrics department for five days.
EDITORIAL: Open it up

EDITORIAL: Open it up

WHAT WE THINK It's been about 10 years since School District 43's board of education last had a committee to oversee specific board functions.
EDITORIAL: Deeds and dollars needed for trades

EDITORIAL: Deeds and dollars needed for trades

The B.C. government has repeatedly said it wants to build a skilled labour force to replace the thousands of jobs that will go begging when older workers retire in the next 10 years.
Lots of building, traffic

Lots of building, traffic

The Editor, Re. "Proposed BQ tower worries" (The Tri-City News, March 5). The residents of the pair of condo towers on Farrow Street in Coquitlam have more to worry about than a 26-storey condo tower at the corner of Clarke and Como Lake roads.
New Westminster gets in the way - yet again

New Westminster gets in the way - yet again

The Editor, Re. "Bailey bridge closed Sunday for inspection" (The Tri-City News, Feb. 28).


The Editor, I would like to express my thanks to the gentleman who helped when my wife slipped and fell last Friday at the Fremont Village Dollarama store in Port Coquitlam.
RADIA: We can learn to be better, Nov. 19

RADIA: We can learn to be better, Nov. 19

M arch 8 is International Women's Day , a celebration of women and all they've achieved. It's also a day to reflect on what challenges they face.
EDITORIAL: Money well spent

EDITORIAL: Money well spent

In difficult financial times, it's hard to justify money spent on public art, decorative lighting and plants. But when street upgrades come with increased pedestrian safety as well, these improvements are easier to support.
COLUMN: Neighbour's advice on helping homeless and city

COLUMN: Neighbour's advice on helping homeless and city

Editor's note: New Westminster NewsLeader editor Chris Bryan addressed this column to the city of Abbotsford, which has been dealing with homeless issues. Given that the Tri-Cities have issues with homelessness, too, we're sharing the column.