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COLUMN: Adventure experiences sow seeds of learning

COLUMN: Adventure experiences sow seeds of learning

A s associate dean of science at Simon Fraser University, I've conducted thousands of experiments.
NELSON: Give him 4 hours of pure escapism

NELSON: Give him 4 hours of pure escapism

L ay off awards shows, Andy. I like awards shows. I'm not particularly proud of it, but there it is. It's not a topic that warrants consequential debate, especially since this weekend's awards show, the Grammys, leave me cold.
RADIA: More popular than democracy

RADIA: More popular than democracy

A t the risk of sounding like an old fuddy-duddy, one of my biggest pet peeves are those darn award shows. And at this time of the year, as much as I try, I simply can't escape them.
EDITORIAL Adults, not just kids, need to look both ways

EDITORIAL Adults, not just kids, need to look both ways

It took a cultural shift to battle drinking and driving, perhaps it's time to make another shift so fewer pedestrians die in our streets. As with drunk driving, we can do that by changing laws, attitudes and public perception.
Keep up the fight on legal marijuana grow ops

Keep up the fight on legal marijuana grow ops

The Editor, Re. "PoCo pans grow ops" (The Tri-City News, Jan. 30).
NELSON: Attack ads hurt understanding

NELSON: Attack ads hurt understanding

P olitical attack ads work but they're ugly and unhelpful.
COLUMN: Naked bodies, body image & the future of biz

COLUMN: Naked bodies, body image & the future of biz

C oquitlam teacher Ken Ipe has done his students a real service. As many know, his Social Justice 12 classes took it to the streets to get New Westminster's Paramount Gentlemen's Club shut down.
RADIA: 'An appropriate tool' for parties

RADIA: 'An appropriate tool' for parties

"I hate attack ads." "I'm sick of them." "They turn people off politics." T hat's the common refrain coming from a lot of people these days about the negative attack ads targeted at Adrian Dix and the NDP.
EDITORIAL: Dust and stuff

EDITORIAL: Dust and stuff

WHAT WE THINK: T he province is taking care to avoid hassles over the building of the Evergreen Line and has struck three business liaison committees to deal with construction concerns.
Reg. cops worth talk

Reg. cops worth talk

The Editor, With the recommendations from the Pickton inquiry, there has been some discussion of regionalizing Metro Vancouver police forces. I fully support these discussions as a Lower Mainland resident and a former Port Moody city councillor.