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Suck it up and stick with your political party

Suck it up and stick with your political party

The Editor, All parties, at times, see supporters disgruntled about something their leaders have done or failed to do and it's "Harrumph! I can't support them anymore! I'm outta here!" But flouncing off in a huff, while dramatic and perhaps emotional
RADIA: TransLink and cities should cut costs, not raise taxes

RADIA: TransLink and cities should cut costs, not raise taxes

FACE TO FACE: Should a 0.5% tax be added to the PST to pay for public transit? M y colleague opposite and I agree that transportation should be a top priority for our city governments.
NELSON: Tax on income would be better than TransLink sales tax bump

NELSON: Tax on income would be better than TransLink sales tax bump

FACE TO FACE: Should a 0.5% tax be added to the PST to pay for public transit? M etro Vancouver mayors want to increase the PST half a per cent to fund TransLink.
EDITORIAL: Election advertising and the battle of B.C.

EDITORIAL: Election advertising and the battle of B.C.

The provincial election will not be held for another three months but campaign advertising is starting in earnest.
COLUMN: Loss of Sue Haberger a blow to the community

COLUMN: Loss of Sue Haberger a blow to the community

I made a grievous error writing an obituary for Sue Haberger this week. My article was stuffy and pretentious where she was not.
COLUMN: Independents have a dream for voters of B.C.

COLUMN: Independents have a dream for voters of B.C.

Imagine a province where party leaders are chosen in an independently supervised vote, with 12-year-olds, dead people and pets prevented from voting.
Mayors must stop being sucked in on TransLink funding

Mayors must stop being sucked in on TransLink funding

The Editor, Re. "Polak undecided on proposed tax" (The Tri-City News, Feb. 8). As P.T. Barnum said, "There is a sucker born every minute." And it seems Metro Vancouver mayors are being suckered by TransLink's demand for more money.
EDITORIAL: Buck up, Ottawa

EDITORIAL: Buck up, Ottawa

Things are clearly getting desperate for Lower Mainland mayors if they are seriously proposing a sales tax to help pay for public transportation in the region. The proposed TransLink sales tax would add up to 0.
Levy's another tax

Levy's another tax

The Editor, Re. "TransLink vehicle levy back on Metro mayor's agenda" (The Tri-City News, Jan. 23). We know that TransLink has an insatiable appetite for other people's money.
EDITORIAL: Will Better at Home be better for seniors?

EDITORIAL: Will Better at Home be better for seniors?

Aplan to provide low- and no-cost services so older seniors can stay independent and at home longer will soon be coming to the Tri-Cities.