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How will Port Moody regulate buskers?

How will Port Moody regulate buskers?

The Editor, Re. "Would you like food with tunes?" (The Tri-City News, May 24) and "Is Port Moody regulating buskers a good thing for the community?" (Face to Face, The Tri-City News, June 1).
NELSON: Busking is just begging set to music

NELSON: Busking is just begging set to music

FACE TO FACE: Is Port Moody regulating buskers a good thing for the community? I thought it was a misprint. It must be referring to a TransLink policy about busing. But, no, the report definitely said "busking.
RADIA: Port Moody, save us from crappy clowns

RADIA: Port Moody, save us from crappy clowns

FACE TO FACE: Is Port Moody regulating buskers a good thing for the community? B ack what seems like a lifetime ago, I used to be a street performer.
Bike lanes worldwide are not socialist phenomena

Bike lanes worldwide are not socialist phenomena

The Editor, Re. "Lefties' ideology backs bike lanes" (Face to Face, The Tri-City News, May 25).
EDITORIAL: Politicians should watch their travel budgets

EDITORIAL: Politicians should watch their travel budgets

There will be so many Port Moody councillors at the upcoming Federation of Canadian Municipalities conference in Saskatoon this weekend that they'll have enough of a quorum to do city business.
Let's expand cycling in Vancouver area and make it safer

Let's expand cycling in Vancouver area and make it safer

The Editor, Re. "Are bike lanes a scourge on city streets or a useful investment?" (Face to Face, The Tri-City News, May 25). Enough complaining about bike lanes and cyclists. There is such a hate on from automobile drivers for cyclists.
Are women welcome at new Port Moody fire hall?

Are women welcome at new Port Moody fire hall?

The Editor, Re. "Fire hall gets dev't OK" (The Tri-City News, May 25). On May 14, I attended a public open house at Port Moody city hall to see the proposed floor plans for the new fire hall.
EDITORIAL: Little hope for useful TransLink reform

EDITORIAL: Little hope for useful TransLink reform

TransLink's board doesn't need more directors drinking from the same bath water. It needs whistle-blowers and critics, transit users and truckers to put some reality into the way Lower Mainland road and transit infrastructure are funded.
NELSON: Vancouver voters gave Robertson a mandate

NELSON: Vancouver voters gave Robertson a mandate

FACE TO FACE: Are bike lanes a scourge on city streets or a useful investment? W hy the ongoing brouhaha over Vancouver's bike lanes? It has to be a tempest in a teapot.
RADIA: Lefty ideology shoves bike lanes down people's throats

RADIA: Lefty ideology shoves bike lanes down people's throats

FACE TO FACE: Are bike lanes a scourge on city streets or a useful investment? V ancouver's indomitable mayor is at it again.