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MINTER: Fresh greens for Christmas

M mmmm! Nothing smells as nice for the Christmas season as fresh greens inside our homes. It's good to see folks coming back to more traditional Christmas decorating but keeping greens fresh is important.

GOLDS: Appreciating Rachel Carson

I would be remiss in letting this year slip by without noting the 50th anniversary of the publication of a book that caused reverberations around the world.

A GOOD READ: Share wintery books with children

B rrrrrr, it's cold outside! Which means it's time to curl up and read together. Here are some great picture books to read with kids: Snow by Uri Shulevitz : This is a beautiful picture book for any child waiting for snow .

BOOKS PLUS: Consuming, spelling, playing at Tri-City libraries

Books Plus runs in The Tri-City News each Friday to highlight programs and happenings in the Tri-Cities' three libraries: Coquitlam Public Library, Port Moody Public Library and Terry Fox Library in Port Coquitlam.

MINTER: It's poinsettia time

L ast week, I was invited on an annual tour of regional greenhouse operations growing poinsettias. Seeing some of the millions of poinsettias grown in B.C.

A GOOD READ: Hey neighbour: Learn about Iran, its people

R ecently, the Iran Vital Statistics Agency announced that 400,000 Iranians are living in Canada. A large percentage of these people have settled in the Lower Mainland. Some will likely be your neighbours.

YOUR HISTORY: Centennial projects revisited

A s the city of Coquitlam plans it 125th birthday celebrations for 2016, now is a good time to look back at previous centennial projects.

GOLDS: B.C. must keep watch on run-of-river

S everal years ago, the Burke Mountain Naturalists joined with other groups to oppose a so-called run-of-river electricity project for most of the wild salmon streams in the Upper Pitt River Valley.

MINTER: Dormant spraying is preventative medicine for your garden

D ormant spraying is one of the most important winter tasks to keep most of our deciduous trees and shrubs clean.

A GOOD READ: What's your comfort read? Do you like fantasy novels?

D o you remember the first book that turned you on to reading? What was the second one? While in your teens what did you love to read? Think about your first real adult book.