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BOOK PLUS: Book clubs and babies

Books Plus runs in The Tri-City News each Friday to highlight programs and happenings in the Tri-Cities' three libraries: Coquitlam Public Library, Port Moody Public Library and Terry Fox Library in Port Coquitlam.

SIGN ME UP: Visual arts for adults

Children and young people are not the only ones with the opportunity to find their inner-Michelangelo. Place des Arts is offering numerous classes for adults with an interest in everything from painting to mixed media art.

SIGN ME UP: Ever wanted to throw a pot?

Painting and drawing lessons are not the only classes offered at Place des Arts. Pottery is also an important part of the adult visual arts program and there are many classes to choose from.

SIGN ME UP: Volunteer opportunities

If you're looking to lend a hand this fall, check out the items below, taken from the Volunteers listings of The Tri-City News' Community Calendar. (And if you see information here that needs to be updated, email changes to [email protected].

YOUR HISTORY: Coquitlam's multicultural beginnings

Mackin House Museum recently hosted 50 visiting Japanese students who are in Canada developing their English language skills.

SIGN ME UP: BBB warns students to secure their electronics

As students prepare to go back to school, many of them will carry cell phones, iPads, iPods, laptops and other electronic devices everywhere from their homes to their classrooms.

WELLNESS: Thud the mud in Mundy Park

Starting Saturday, Sept. 10, a new session of Mundy Mudthudders' informal walking group will be held Saturday mornings.

BOOKS PLUS: Stories, travel photos & more stories

Books Plus runs in The Tri-City News each Friday to highlight programs and happenings in the Tri-Cities' three libraries: Coquitlam Public Library, Port Moody Public Library and Terry Fox Library in Port Coquitlam.

WELLNESS: Plenty of support in the Tri-Cities

Everyone needs a little help and below are listings taken from the Support Groups category of The Tri-City News' Community Calendar: Port Moody Alanon Family Group open meeting, Wednesdays, 8 p.m., St. Andrews Church, 2318 St. Johns St., Port Moody.

MINTER: Minor bulbs, major impact

The garden giants of spring colour are giving way to their smaller cousins that actually repeat their performance year after year and leave a very soft footprint of dying and unsightly foliage.