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#CQvotes2018: Craig Hodge

Craig Hodge Phone: 604-240-1534 Email: [email protected] Website: craighodge.
Craig Hodge

Craig Hodge
Phone: 604-240-1534
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: craighodgecitycouncillor
Twitter: @craighodge8
Instagram: @craighodge8


Age: 61

Occupation: photojournalist and Coquitlam city councillor

Coquitlam resident for: 54 years

Campaign funding: family, friends and individuals in the community, and self-funded

Previous community service: past chair of Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce and the Coquitlam Heritage Society, Scout leader and I ball hockey and soccer coach

Name the two most important issues facing the city of Coquitlam?
Creating housing for families, young people and seniors that’s affordable. Managing growth to ensure we protect the quality of life residents currently enjoy.

If elected, what steps would you take to improve housing affordability in Coquitlam?
Work with other levels of government and non-profits to maximize the use of grants and partnership opportunities. We need to use our new civic powers and require developers to utilize city incentives to build lower cost housing.

What do you hope to accomplish as a city councillor?
Preserve the unique character of neighbourhoods in our growing city. Hire more police officers and increase traffic enforcement. I want more green streets, park expansion, protection for the environment and the Riverview lands. Expand recreation and cultural facilities. Work with curlers to seek partnerships for a regional curling centre.

How can Coquitlam attract employment opportunities so residents can work in the same community where they live?
We need to safeguard our industrial lands and require developers to fulfill their commitment to build commercial space. Cut red tape and work with the Chamber of Commerce and our economic development department to attract new businesses and assist existing businesses and home-based businesses to grow and create jobs.