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EDITORIAL: Climbing costs

EDITORIAL: Climbing costs

Positioned west of the toll bridges and close to the Evergreen Line, homes in the Tri-Cities will become increasingly desirable in the coming years.
BC Thermal should be upgraded

BC Thermal should be upgraded

The Editor I worked at Burrard for over 35 years. Unlike many independent power producers (IPP), Burrard Thermal can deliver firm power on demand any time of the year, making it ideal for peak loads and emergencies.
NELSON: Statement shows true Tory thinking

NELSON: Statement shows true Tory thinking

M inister of Industry and Port Moody-Westwood-Port Coquitlam MP James Moore's pre-Christmas gaffe showed what conservatives think of the poor - and it was horrendously timed.
2 views on new route

2 views on new route

The Editor, "I'm New to the Neighbourhood," announced TransLink's clever and noticeable flyer for the new Route 188 between Port Coquitlam and Coquitlam stations.
Hydro responds to column on Burrard Thermal closure

Hydro responds to column on Burrard Thermal closure

The Editor, Re. "Shutting PoMo's Burrard Thermal makes no sense" (Opinion, The Tri-City News, Dec. 13).
RADIA: Senate scandal, oil & Olympics

RADIA: Senate scandal, oil & Olympics

B efore we put away the Christmas trees and pack-up the festive decorations for another year, my colleague opposite and I thought it would be a good time to put forward our visions for 2014.
EDITORIAL: Eat well and exercise, too

EDITORIAL: Eat well and exercise, too

After a season of over-indulging, many Canadians will wake up Jan. 1 and say this is the year they get heart-healthy. That wake-up call to become more active and eat better can't come a moment too soon, according to the Canadian Medical Association.
NELSON: Senate scandal, oil & 29% more

NELSON: Senate scandal, oil & 29% more

T his year is on life support and 2014 is about to be born. But before we embrace and swaddle the infant year, what can we expect from it? Here's my less-than-comprehensive wish list for 2014, along with some predictions.
EDITORIAL: Spending and owing

EDITORIAL: Spending and owing

By now, B.C. shoppers will have been deluged with thousands of commercial messages on television, videos, smart phones, newspapers and emails.
COLUMN: The changing face of philanthropy in Canada

COLUMN: The changing face of philanthropy in Canada

I n the aftermath of the devastating Philippines typhoon, many Canadians may question whether they can really make a difference in the world by supporting a charity.