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EDITORIAL: Kids and booze

EDITORIAL: Kids and booze

WHAT WE THINK: 'Twas the week before Christmas and the bars, they were hopping hoping to catch patrons who'd finished their shopping. When all of a sudden, what should appear but B.C. liquor law changes for much cheaper beer. Old Mrs.
Shame on MP for comments

Shame on MP for comments

The Editor, Re. "Moore apologizes for 'insensitive' remarks" (, Dec. 16). I know I am not alone when I express my disgust with MP James Moore's insensitive and shameful comments with regards to child poverty not being his problem.
Canadians, speak up about Canada Post changes

Canadians, speak up about Canada Post changes

The Editor, Re. "End to home mail delivery and hikes to stamp prices raises concerns" (, Dec. 11).
NELSON: PoCo needs to take its turn

NELSON: PoCo needs to take its turn

R emember when Port Coquitlam city workers dumped peat moss in an area where a homeless man was known to camp? The media and public savaged the city for weeks and PoCo's reputation for empathy for the homeless was set back 20 years.
EDITORIAL: Secure our mail

EDITORIAL: Secure our mail

To some, it's a perk enjoyed in older neighbourhoods and subsidized by newer ones. To others, home mail delivery is a public institution and the elderly and disabled will be hurt if it's discontinued.
COLUMN: Shutting PoMo's Burrard Thermal makes no sense

COLUMN: Shutting PoMo's Burrard Thermal makes no sense

T he provincial government has ordered BC Hydro to permanently remove Burrard Thermal's power-generating equipment in 2016.
Music duo makes up for thief

Music duo makes up for thief

The Editor, I'm writing today to share a story of kindness and generosity. I'm a single mother of a two-year-old girl. Recently, all our belongings were stolen from my car.
RADIA: Don't force it on a community

RADIA: Don't force it on a community

L ast Monday, Port Coquitlam city council voted in favour of allowing a temporary homeless shelter to operate out of Grace Church on Kingsway Avenue in January.
EDITORIAL: Good numbers for graduation rates

EDITORIAL: Good numbers for graduation rates

School District 43 was in a tough spot last winter after discovering that it over-spent on salaries and expenses by about $8 million and had to make some tough decisions to bring its budget in line with government funding.
Property tax increase is not 'good news'

Property tax increase is not 'good news'

The Editor, Re. "2.8% tax hike on homes" (The Tri-City News, Dec. 4). Again, Coquitlam is reaching into our pockets with yet another yearly tax increase. They are calling it the "good news budget.