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NELSON: Don't discourage green transport

NELSON: Don't discourage green transport

Y ou want to license bicycles, Andy? This is a silly idea and you, of all people, should be against it. You have a visceral dislike of government bureaucracy. Government is the problem, not the solution. We need government to get out of the way.
COLUMN: Five New Year's resolutions for B.C.'s politicians

COLUMN: Five New Year's resolutions for B.C.'s politicians

I t's that time when many of us have made resolutions for the new year. Most of them are lofty goals aimed at self-improvement: quit smoking, lose weight, exercise more often are all among the popular ones.
RADIA: Two-wheelers are getting a free ride

RADIA: Two-wheelers are getting a free ride

H ere's an idea for our friends at TransLink, our local governments and even the politicos in Victoria: If you want another revenue source to pay for road and bridge infrastructure, start registering and taxing cyclists.
Another view of children in pubs

Another view of children in pubs

The Editor, Re. "A minor issue with B.C.'s new pub rules" (As I See it, The Tri-City News, Jan. 3). I, too, have the same record of not entering Chuck E Cheese. See, we have something in common.
No respect for business owners

No respect for business owners

The Editor, While the Evergreen Line is being built, merchants on North Road have lost their parking. Any loss of revenue of this nature would have been disastrous for us, had it happened while we were in business.
Why were able-bodied in handicapped zones?

Why were able-bodied in handicapped zones?

The Editor, During the holiday season it was obvious that the parking facilities at all shopping areas were almost full to capacity.
EDITORIAL: Cold, hard facts

EDITORIAL: Cold, hard facts

If you got through the holiday season without getting a cold or the flu, count yourself lucky. This is flu season and many people are ending up sick and even in hospital.
COLUMN: A minor issue with B.C.'s new pub rules

COLUMN: A minor issue with B.C.'s new pub rules

I don't have children. That wasn't by design. But then, my lack of offspring hasn't left a gaping hole in my life, either. It just is.
Booze at the farmers' markets?

Booze at the farmers' markets?

The Editor, Those of us that shop at local farmers markets welcome the chance to buy products that don't have GST and PST added on to the product's cost as well as not being issued a sales receipt.
RADIA: Remarks were poorly worded

RADIA: Remarks were poorly worded

L et's face it: politics is a tough way to make a living. Our MLAs and MPs constantly have microphones and cameras shoved into their faces and are expected to come up with learned responses to virtually any topic.