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COLUMN: 5 terrible reasons to run for municipal office

COLUMN: 5 terrible reasons to run for municipal office

E ver wonder what motivates a person to run for municipal council? In many Alberta communities this year, there are high numbers of candidates for council as well as many mayoral hopefuls.
EDITORIAL: Metro money

EDITORIAL: Metro money

Civic politicians who attend Metro Vancouver board meetings got a small wage hike for their work on behalf of citizens and while they didn't vote on the 2.
PM dishonours vets

PM dishonours vets

The Editor, In 1942, what we call our democracy was in bad shape. From Scandinavia to Madrid, Hitler had turned Europe into a seemingly impregnable fortress. The Japanese imperial powers had turned the Pacific Ocean into their private lake.
Focus on prevention

Focus on prevention

The Editor, October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, is coming to an end. But some cancer-linked toxins keep on flourishing, especially as temperatures drop, in the form of wood smoke emissions from wood-fuelled fireplaces.
RADIA: Experience a key (he knows now)

RADIA: Experience a key (he knows now)

I n 2005, I ran for Coquitlam city council. I was young - at least younger - and promised more police officers, more sports fields and lower property taxes. They were all great ideas but were they doable? To be honest, I didn't have a clue.
EDITORIAL: It's crucial: vote

EDITORIAL: It's crucial: vote

Don't be lulled into thinking that this weekend's byelection for two Coquitlam councillor positions doesn't mean much because the two jobs will last for just one year.
There's no getting around some cheats

There's no getting around some cheats

The Editor, Re. "TransLink expects cheating to be rare with Compass card" (The Tri-City News, Oct. 18). Anyone who has spent some time in London, Paris, Tokyo, etc.
Save Riverview from BC Liberals

Save Riverview from BC Liberals

The Editor, In a letter to the editor I wrote to The Tri-City News in August 2007, I warned that we better be vigilant to protect Riverview Hospital lands from the BC Liberal government when Rich Coleman was proposing 7,000 market homes be built inst
BURPEE: Home is where the heart, health and hope are

BURPEE: Home is where the heart, health and hope are

Home. It is our sanctuary, a place of safety, warmth and security. Where we hang our hat and keep family memories. Homelessness.
No 'god' needed in anthem

No 'god' needed in anthem

The Editor, Re. "Should the lyrics of 'O Canada' be changed?" (Face to Face, The Tri-City News, Oct. 11). I read with interest Andy Radia's and Jim Nelson's Face to Face columns in the Friday edition. Mr.