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RADIA: A waste of time, taxpayers' cash

RADIA: A waste of time, taxpayers' cash

Earlier this week, Coquitlam city council voted to waste taxpayer money yet again.
NELSON: No byelection a bad message

NELSON: No byelection a bad message

K udos to Coquitlam city council for Monday's decision against accepting extended leaves of absence and opting instead for byelections to replace councillors - now MLAs - Linda Reimer and Selina Robinson. Well done, council, you got it right.
Beware coyotes

Beware coyotes

The Editor, I was walking my puppy down Fernway Street on Heritage Mountain in Port Moody on June 27 at about 8 p.m. when a coyote came up from behind and attacked my dog by the neck.
Why dump your trash there?

Why dump your trash there?

The Editor, I simply cannot understand the mentality of someone who would do this, especially in an area known for bear activity.
Engagement more important than nos.

Engagement more important than nos.

The Editor, With the recent, not-to-mention forthcoming, byelections at various levels of government, the problem of painfully low voter turnout returns to the fore.
EDITORIAL: Out in the cold

EDITORIAL: Out in the cold

A temporary shelter with success in housing homeless people has received a setback with Port Coquitlam's decision not to renew its permit.
HOLOTA: A funny thing happened in the fishing boat...

HOLOTA: A funny thing happened in the fishing boat...

E mail is a funny thing. You can have conversations with people anywhere in the world and develop a social relationship without ever seeing their faces or hearing their voices. Carol is such a person.
FLETCHER: Zap! Get ready for BC Hydro rate hikes

FLETCHER: Zap! Get ready for BC Hydro rate hikes

There's a new sheriff in town for BC Hydro and it didn't take long for the political range war to resume.
Referendum is the way to go on transit funding

Referendum is the way to go on transit funding

The Editor, Re. "Mayors oppose re ferendum" (The Tri-City News, July 3). I think a referendum is exactly what the people of the Lower Mainland need to finally come to a resolution on how to fund the woefully inadequate transit system.


It's good news that Port Coquitlam hometown hero and Canadian icon Terry Fox will be honoured with an exhibit at Canada's new Canadian Museum of History, now undergoing renovation and rebranding near Ottawa.