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BUCHOLTZ: Are ever-rising gas prices changing habits?

BUCHOLTZ: Are ever-rising gas prices changing habits?

T he soaring price of gasoline is on the minds of many people this summer. There is some evidence, mostly anecdotal, that it is starting to change people's habits. I've heard that Vancouver Island is hungry for tourists this summer.
NELSON: A tech & moral simplification

NELSON: A tech & moral simplification

B ritish Prime Minister David Cameron wants to end internet pornography using a program he calls "Default On." Default On would require U.K. internet service providers to block pornography from customers unless the customer "opts in" to porn access.
RADIA: A good step to protect children

RADIA: A good step to protect children

E arlier this week, U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron revealed an interesting idea in an attempt to combat child pornography in his country. He wants every household in the U.K. to have its access to internet porn blocked by default.
EDITORIAL: Yummy season

EDITORIAL: Yummy season

Is there a better time of year to be a (hungry) resident of British Columbia? Chilliwack corn. Okanagan peaches and cherries. Blueberries and other produce from the Fraser Valley. This beautiful B.C. bounty offers summer meal possibilities aplenty.
Abolish Senate, it makes sense

Abolish Senate, it makes sense

The Editor, At one time, it was just common sense to abolish the Senate.
FLETCHER: Green MLA speaks about coal and controversy

FLETCHER: Green MLA speaks about coal and controversy

A fter climate scientist-turned-Green Party MLA Andrew Weaver had a taste of debate in the B.C. legislature, I asked him for his impressions on that and other issues.
EDITORIAL: Play if safe this summer

EDITORIAL: Play if safe this summer

Summer seems to be the season of senseless accidents. A jogger is hit by a train at a busy and well-marked crossing along White Rock's waterfront. A child falls from a window left open to capture a cooling breeze.
Stolen package only valuable to family

Stolen package only valuable to family

The Editor, To the person who stole the package off my parents' front porch last week on Westwood Plateau: The UPS package you took, perhaps by accident, really contained nothing of value to you.
Simple view of DTES

Simple view of DTES

The Editor, Re. "Radia: Maximize good in Van's DTES" (Face to Face, The Tri-City News, July 18). Like others, Andy Radia's thoughts regarding the Downtown East Side gentrification debate lack context.
NELSON: Once again, the poor displaced

NELSON: Once again, the poor displaced

B ring on the funky bistros, tapas bars, Starbucks patios and happening Thai food places. Damn the torpedoes and don't worry too much about displacing low-income residents and affordable rental units.