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RADIA: Many venues are still intact

RADIA: Many venues are still intact

O ver the past several weeks, there has been a growing chorus of voices calling for a boycott of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi because of the Russian government's anti-gay legislation.
Punish offenders, not society for drinking

Punish offenders, not society for drinking

The Editor, I will never forget the look on my dad's face in the late 1980s as we were lined up at the entrance way to Buntzen and White Pine as we watched the RCMP pour out various alcoholic beverages from peoples coolers.
EDITORIAL: Catalyst cash

EDITORIAL: Catalyst cash

Nearly 3,000 Tri-Cities households received food last year from the food bank run by Share Family and Community Services and those numbers don't show any signs of dropping.
RADIA: Bubbly & Bublé on beach? Yes

RADIA: Bubbly & Bublé on beach? Yes

B .C.'s new attorney general, Suzanne Anton, has a great idea: Treat adults like adults. Last month, she announced that her government is reviewing rules that prohibit drinking at our parks and beaches.
Keep booze out of our parks & off our beaches

Keep booze out of our parks & off our beaches

The Editor, The B.C. government is considering legalizing drinking in parks and at beaches. Maybe I'm misinformed but I thought the reason for going to a park or beach was to enjoy nature.
EDITORIAL: Learn to swim

EDITORIAL: Learn to swim

Learning to swim at the local swimming pool is an important rite of passage but some children never learn or their lessons are cut short before they reach competence in the water.
NELSON: Civilized idea, uncivilized louts

NELSON: Civilized idea, uncivilized louts

S hould we be able to discreetly have a glass of wine at the beach? Yes. Should we, therefore, make alcohol legal at the beach? No.
TRAVIS: Metro is pricey and it's about to get a lot pricier

TRAVIS: Metro is pricey and it's about to get a lot pricier

A billion here, a billion there, it adds up. That's the problem with shopping lists.
EDITORIAL: Costly addiction

EDITORIAL: Costly addiction

They're called smartphones but the way some people use them is anything but smart, giving us all legitimate cause for concern about public safety. A new poll that shows that 64% of adults in B.C.
The arts could use support given cities' sports groups

The arts could use support given cities' sports groups

The Editor, Re. "$3.9M dry-floor sports facility gets council OK" (The Tri-City News, July 31). Automagically.