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MACNAIR: Free-range kids vs. bubble-wrap parents

MACNAIR: Free-range kids vs. bubble-wrap parents

T here is a new movement afoot in the parenting world that is out of character with the current generation.
RADIA: Jim can keep senators in line

RADIA: Jim can keep senators in line

T here's a Senate vacancy available in British Columbia. It's the seat that Brian Mulroney appointee Gerry St. Germaine occupied for almost 20 years before his forced retirement, last year, at the age of 75.
EDITORIAL: Can they hear you now... ?

EDITORIAL: Can they hear you now... ?

Getting stuck in traffic is no longer necessary thanks to new technology. But some fear the use of cellphone signals to show congestion on Lower Mainland roads could be a privacy concern. TransLink, Transport Canada and B.C.
Kids, don't just learn to swim, swim to survive

Kids, don't just learn to swim, swim to survive

The Editor, Re. "Learn to swim" (Opinion, The Tri-City News, Aug. 9). Signing up our children for a few sets of swimming lessons at the local pool may not be enough when our kids hit open waters.
NELSON: Andy has right politics for job

NELSON: Andy has right politics for job

T he ongoing foofaraw over the Canadian Senate ignores something important. While we slag senators Mike Duffy and Pamela Wallin over dubious expenses, the fact that B.C. is down a senator has been lost amid the whining. That's right: Gerry St.
Comparison to Europe's system childish

Comparison to Europe's system childish

The Editor, One of TransLink's talking heads justified the cancellation of free transfers between buses and SkyTrain by pointing out that London and Paris transit systems don't have them either.
EDITORIAL: In the cards

EDITORIAL: In the cards

Ignore for a minute that TransLink may just be the nearest punching bag for all that's wrong in the world, including transit.
FOULDS: It's time for liquor laws to be overhauled

FOULDS: It's time for liquor laws to be overhauled

N ot only is alcohol much cheaper in the United States (eleven bucks for a case of Heineken helped make a recent vacation Stateside that much better), These facts are well-known to every of-age Canadian who has travelled to the U.S.
NELSON: Boycotts rarely show results

NELSON: Boycotts rarely show results

N o Andy. We don't want to boycott the Sochi Olympics. Olympic boycotts may feel good, but they don't work. In fact, they're counterproductive.
EDITORIAL: Elect senators?

EDITORIAL: Elect senators?

Embattled senator Pamela Wallin is reported as saying she and the auditors don't see eye to eye on senate duties and therefore she disagrees with their conclusion that some of her expenses were dubious.