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UPDATED: What about local businesses?

UPDATED: What about local businesses?

(Editor's note: Please note the clarification in the comment below the letter.
Coquitlam's Canada Day 'festivities' made mess at Lafarge Lake

Coquitlam's Canada Day 'festivities' made mess at Lafarge Lake

The Editor, Re. "Fireworks rescheduled to Monday" ( ). I did not attend the Canada Day celebrations at Lafarge Lake on July 1 but I did take the dog for a walk there the next morning and I am appalled at what I saw.
Feed the bears - away from people

Feed the bears - away from people

The Editor, A member of a B.C. first nation reportedly suggested that a steady supply of food be made available for bears in an out-of-town location so that hungry bears don't go into town looking for food. This makes sense to me.
EDITORIAL: A little peace in B.C. public schools

EDITORIAL: A little peace in B.C. public schools

Bill 22 was a hammer where a feather was needed but, thanks to some fancy footwork by mediator Charles Jago, the worst elements of Bill 22 have been rendered moot, an agreement has been reached and B.C.
RADIA: Once displaced, his family is firmly Canadian

RADIA: Once displaced, his family is firmly Canadian

FACE TO FACE: Celebrating Canada, each in his own way M y colleague opposite and I have decided to drop the proverbial boxing gloves this week and to write about a subject very near and dear to both of our hearts.
NELSON: Flag-waving patriotism is not how Canadians roll

NELSON: Flag-waving patriotism is not how Canadians roll

FACE TO FACE: Celebrating Canada, each in his own way W hat I like best about Canada Day is what we don't do to express patriotism.
EDITORIAL: Gangs bring violence to Tri-Cities

EDITORIAL: Gangs bring violence to Tri-Cities

It's a sad story: a man shot and killed in the prime of his life in a public place. Two men, actually, two public places. Both in Port Moody.
COLUMN: B.C. businesses pay too much property tax

COLUMN: B.C. businesses pay too much property tax

H ow would you feel if you were paying two, three, four, even five times as much property tax as your next-door neighbour - and yet not getting the same amount of services? That's the reality facing small business owners in British Columbia every day
NELSON: Playtime is also educational for kids

NELSON: Playtime is also educational for kids

FACE TO FACE: Is year-round schooling the way to go in British Columbia? O n sunny spring lunchtimes at Monty middle school, as principal, I would watch swarms of kids playing soccer or basketball outside and otherwise happily running around, making
RADIA: BC kids need shorter holidays and more school days

RADIA: BC kids need shorter holidays and more school days

FACE TO FACE: Is year-round schooling the way to go in British Columbia? I f you're a parent of a school-aged child, you're probably not looking forward to the next two months as much as your kids are.