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Both columnists wrong about Cdn. Senate's role

Both columnists wrong about Cdn. Senate's role

The Editor: Re. "Should Canada's Senate be reformed or eliminated?" (Face to Face, The Tri-City News, April 13). Both Face to Face columnists Andy Radia and Jim Nelson think of the Senate in its current form as "proof-readers.
Better signs needed for Eagle Mt. hikers

Better signs needed for Eagle Mt. hikers

The Editor, Re. "Lost hikers find way off mountain" (The Tri-City News, April 11). In June 2011, I lost the Lindsay Lake Loop Trail on Eagle Mountain for about 10 minutes while attempting to hike to "The Pulpit" lookout.
RADIA: Triple-E would cure Canadian Senate ills

RADIA: Triple-E would cure Canadian Senate ills

FACE TO FACE: Should Canada's Senate be reformed or eliminated? I n its current form, Canada's Senate has no teeth. Under the constitution, senators have the power to amend and/or veto any bill emanating from the House of Commons.
NELSON: Canada doesn't need Senate 'proof-readers'

NELSON: Canada doesn't need Senate 'proof-readers'

FACE TO FACE: Should Canada's Senate be reformed or eliminated? L et's not elect the Senate. Let's not try to fix it or make it triple-E. Let's just dump it.
EDITORIAL: Smoking out the smokers

EDITORIAL: Smoking out the smokers

The federal government is hoping that grossing out the 16.7% of Canadians who still smoke will convince them to quit.
Federal government must think taxpayers are idiots

Federal government must think taxpayers are idiots

The Editor, Re. "Money in federal budget for Tri-Cities: MP Moore" (, March 30). The federal budget release illustrates the paradox and inequities of government's priorities.
NELSON: Conservative decision on pennies in non-cents

NELSON: Conservative decision on pennies in non-cents

FACE TO FACE: Is the elimination of the penny a good idea for Canada? The penny will soon be gone from Canadian change purses and pockets, and, I suspect, from our lexicon.
RADIA: Good riddance to the pesky penny

RADIA: Good riddance to the pesky penny

FACE TO FACE: Is the elimination of the penny a good idea for Canada? The penny will soon go the way of platform shoes, rotary dial telephones and floppy disks. Last week, the Harper government finally announced that it will discontinue the penny.
EDITORIAL: Pennies can still be put to good use

EDITORIAL: Pennies can still be put to good use

It will be like pennies from heaven for charity groups if penny-pinching Canadians donate their coins to worthwhile organizations, such as the Eagle Ridge Hospital Auxiliary , which will use them to purchase equipment and patient comforts.
PoCo water and sewer charges unfair for condo owners

PoCo water and sewer charges unfair for condo owners

The Editor, I have been complaining to the city of Port Coquitlam for two years now, but to no avail. This year, as a single senior living in a one-bedroom apartment and on a fixed income, I was charged $614 for my water and sewer rates.