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EDITORIAL: Sowing seeds

EDITORIAL: Sowing seeds

Seeds sown on stony ground rarely flourish. That agricultural bromide fits perfectly the situation with Colony Farm.
Help the homeless

Help the homeless

The Editor, Riverview Hospital should be kept for the purpose it was built many years ago: the sick and needy. However, in this day and age, the buildings could be better used for the homeless as well.
Trash talk

Trash talk

The Editor, Re."Pick up trash every week" (Letters, The Tri-City News, Sept. 14). If the letter writer was putting food waste in green cans and/or composts in an effort to help environmental causes, the garbage would not smell, plain and simple. A.
Commercial farming doesn't belong at Colony Farm

Commercial farming doesn't belong at Colony Farm

The Editor, Re. "Planned academy at Colony Farm advances" ( Coquitlam council recently received a presentation from Metro Vancouver staff regarding the establishment of a sustainability plan for Colony Farm Regional Park.
Outside auditor needed in PoCo

Outside auditor needed in PoCo

The Editor, Re. "Already measures to monitor cities" (Letters, The Tri-City News, Sept. 14).
'Give us back our public power utility'

'Give us back our public power utility'

The Editor, Not too long ago, we had a well-managed fully public utility with the greenest, cheapest and most reliable power in the world.
Garbage doesn't have to rule your life

Garbage doesn't have to rule your life

The Editor, Re. "Pick up trash every week" (Letters, The Tri-City News, Sept. 14).
RADIA: Canada's anti-terror laws keep us all safer

RADIA: Canada's anti-terror laws keep us all safer

FACE TO FACE: Should Canada bring back its post-9/11 anti-terrorism laws? Iapplaud the Stephen Harper government's decision to bring back anti-terrorism measures that expired in 2007 - measures that allow police to detain suspects for up to 72 hours
Lynch's criticisms of mayor are unfounded

Lynch's criticisms of mayor are unfounded

The Editor, Re. "Gloves off early in Coquitlam mayoral race" (The Tri-City News, Sept. 9). I am surprised at Coquitlam Coun. Barrie Lynch's comment that Mayor Richard Stewart attends too many events in our community.
NELSON: Canada isn't a jihadist target

NELSON: Canada isn't a jihadist target

FACE TO FACE: Should Canada bring back its post-9/11 anti-terrorism laws? Prime Minister Stephen Harper wants to re-introduce Canada's anti terrorism law, which expands police powers, allowing them to detain suspected terrorists without charge for 72