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Singles subsidize families, says PoCo senior

Singles subsidize families, says PoCo senior

The Editor, A letter to Port Coquitlam Mayor Greg Moore : You will be very familiar with my annual complaint about the totally unfair and unreasonable differential in the charges for water and sewer service between a single-family home, which may hou
RADIA: Street names good way to remember veterans

RADIA: Street names good way to remember veterans

FACE TO FACE: Should Port Moody rename Hope Street as Veterans Way? A n intrepid resident of Port Moody has an idea that I think we should all get behind.
NELSON: Canadians remember war, don't celebrate it

NELSON: Canadians remember war, don't celebrate it

FACE TO FACE: Should Port Moody rename Hope Street as Veterans Way? P ort Moody council is pondering a suggestion to rename a portion of Hope Street Veteran's Way in honour of the city's veterans.
EDITORIAL: Coquitlam loan makes sense

EDITORIAL: Coquitlam loan makes sense

Coquitlam council is not trying to pull a fast one by holding an alternative approval process rather than a referendum to gauge public opinion on a proposal to borrow $17.9 million to pay for roads and water services on Burke Mountain.
COLUMN: Bill C-400 is an opportunity for leadership

COLUMN: Bill C-400 is an opportunity for leadership

B ill C-400, a private member's bill to ensure secure, adequate, accessible and affordable housing for all Canadians, will move to a vote at second reading in the House of Commons next Wednesday.
EDITORIAL: Math help for Coquitlam district students adds up

EDITORIAL: Math help for Coquitlam district students adds up

While School District 43's financial troubles are front and centre, some talented Tri-City teachers are experimenting with ways to remove learning barriers for kids.
New Westminster city council should stop blocking new bridge

New Westminster city council should stop blocking new bridge

The Editor, Re. "Bailey bridge is closed due to structural issues" (The Tri-City News, Feb. 13).
Suck it up and stick with your political party

Suck it up and stick with your political party

The Editor, All parties, at times, see supporters disgruntled about something their leaders have done or failed to do and it's "Harrumph! I can't support them anymore! I'm outta here!" But flouncing off in a huff, while dramatic and perhaps emotional
RADIA: TransLink and cities should cut costs, not raise taxes

RADIA: TransLink and cities should cut costs, not raise taxes

FACE TO FACE: Should a 0.5% tax be added to the PST to pay for public transit? M y colleague opposite and I agree that transportation should be a top priority for our city governments.
NELSON: Tax on income would be better than TransLink sales tax bump

NELSON: Tax on income would be better than TransLink sales tax bump

FACE TO FACE: Should a 0.5% tax be added to the PST to pay for public transit? M etro Vancouver mayors want to increase the PST half a per cent to fund TransLink.