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No proof publicizing voters' names will attract more voters

No proof publicizing voters' names will attract more voters

The Editor, Re. "Should lists of voters be published after an election?" (Face to Face, The Tri-City News, July 27). Surely, there are more pressing needs before Coquitlam city council than taking time to consider the motion being put forth by Coun.
Port Moody, Coquitlam & Burnaby should team up on Burquitlam library

Port Moody, Coquitlam & Burnaby should team up on Burquitlam library

The Editor, Re. "Library before park project" (The Tri-City News, July 27). As a resident of the west side of Port Moody, the nearest public library to my home is Burnaby Public Library's Cameron Street branch, near Lougheed Town Centre.
EDITORIAL: Open up the MLAs' books

EDITORIAL: Open up the MLAs' books

Transparency and openness have been promised by an all-party committee responsible for B.C. MLAs' expenses after auditor general John Doyle was critical of their sloppy bookkeeping.
No use shaming Coquitlam voters

No use shaming Coquitlam voters

The Editor, Re. "Should lists of voters be published after an election?" (Face to Face, The Tri-City News, July 27). If I lived in Coquitlam, and if Coun.
EDITORIAL: Coquitlam tackling medical pot problems

EDITORIAL: Coquitlam tackling medical pot problems

Coquitlam is trying to deal with the commercial medical marijuana industry head on while federal regulations are in a state of flux.
Bells used to toll for good reason

Bells used to toll for good reason

The Editor, Re: Battle of the church bells continues in PoCo? (The Tri-City News, July 18) I am disappointed that some citizens equate a church bell with noise pollution.
Flag flap un-Canadian

Flag flap un-Canadian

The Editor, What is happening in Canada? I am not advocating American style flag-waving, but to go after a resident for displaying a flag on the national holiday is going too far.
NELSON: Do we get a gold star for voting, too?

NELSON: Do we get a gold star for voting, too?

FACE TO FACE: Should lists of voters be published after an election? C oquitlam Coun. Terry O'Neill is getting a lot of buzz over the trial balloon he's floating to improve voter turnout in civic elections.
RADIA: Low voter turnout calls for action

RADIA: Low voter turnout calls for action

FACE TO FACE: Should lists of voters be published after an election? I have to hand it to former Tri-City News Face to Face columnist, and now Coquitlam city councillor, Terry O'Neill for thinking outside the box when it comes to addressing the probl
COLUMN: Mario, Rossi and the road more travelled

COLUMN: Mario, Rossi and the road more travelled

I blame Mario. It is his fault, the alarm that wakes me much too early on Saturday mornings. His fault, the (ahem) snug Lycra shorts I wear, the colourful jerseys I pull over my head.