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In the Community

Coquitlam's founding papers are restored

Two copies of Coquitlam's letters of patent from 1894 will soon grace the walls of city hall.

Test your trivia knowledge & help Coq. library

What film features the song "Food, Glorious Food"? What is Canada's only official bilingual province? What's the name of the largest part of the human brain? If trivia tickles your fancy, the Friends of the Coquitlam Public Library have the answer fo

Workshop designed to teach people how to deal with change

The Coquitlam RCMP's Victim Services Unit is hosting a workshop for anyone who is experiencing a major life change.

Douglas College hosts estate and financial planning class

No one likes paying taxes but it's an inevitable part of life - and death. But there are ways to reduce what you pay to Revenue Canada and maximize where you spend your money.

THINGS-TO-DO GUIDE: Bead show, Earth Hour, arts events and more this weekend in Tri-Cities

Friday, March 28 BEAD SHOW Watch glass-blowing demonstrations and take a bauble class at this weekend's Fraser Valley Bead Show in Coquitlam. More than 50 vendors will be showing their wares on Friday (2 to 8 p.m.), Saturday (10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

What's up with the Great Blue Herons?

Keep your eye out this spring for great blue herons. The large birds should be building nests in trees in forests around the Tri-Cities.

Job help

Are you a newcomer to Canada? Are you interested in connecting your skills to the Canadian workplace? Immigrant Services Society of BC (ISSBC) is hosting a free session on Monday on Skills Connect for Immigrants at its ELSA office, 136-3030 Lincoln A

THINGS TO DO: Nowruz festival, Polish art

Friday, March 21 TED TALKS From 9 a.m. to 7:45 p.m. today, you can hear inspirational words from the TED 2014 speakers in Vancouver via a webcast at the Coquitlam and Port Moody public libraries.

SPOTLIGHT: College cash, air cadets tag days

TAG DAYS Air cadet corporals Kennedy and Han of Port Moody's Phoenix 754 squadron were busy promoting the organization outside of a 7-Eleven during Tag Days last week.

Game time

Yu-Gi-Oh Trading Card Game players can battle for prizes when Coquitlam Public Library (CPL) hosts a free tournament during spring break on Monday, March 24. Players will compete in two age categories: 10 to 13, and 14 and older.