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LETTER: Less competition is needed for poppies

LETTER: Less competition is needed for poppies

The Editor, Our veterans, who deserve our respect and total thanks, have a small window of opportunity to collect money for their annual poppy drive.
LETTER: Coquitlam has to pay its share of Fremont study

LETTER: Coquitlam has to pay its share of Fremont study

The Editor, Re. “West wants cities’ sparring stopped” (The Tri-City News, Nov. 4).
LETTER: Stickers for Port Moody councillors

LETTER: Stickers for Port Moody councillors

The Editor, Re. “Gas pump stickers? Really?” (Opinion, The Tri-City News, Nov. 4)
Editorial: Why not more women in the federal cabinet

Editorial: Why not more women in the federal cabinet

It's time to stop marveling when women get top positions in government — or anywhere for that matter because it's 2015
COLUMN: BC government's seven stages of damage control

COLUMN: BC government's seven stages of damage control

If grief has five stages, the B.C. government seems to have seven stages in its damage control manual for handling everything from cringeworthy moments all the way to “Houston, we have a problem” situations.
LETTER: Changing habits key to fossil fuel problem

LETTER: Changing habits key to fossil fuel problem

The Editor, Re. “Gas pump stickers? Really?” (Opinion, The Tri-City News, Nov. 4)
LETTER: Thanks, Kwikwetlem, for fireworks display

LETTER: Thanks, Kwikwetlem, for fireworks display

The Editor, After a great and dry night of trick-or-treating, as a resident of Port Coquitlam near Colony Farm, we were once again treated to a spectacular fireworks show.
LETTER: ‘I think it is time for some amalgamation’

LETTER: ‘I think it is time for some amalgamation’

The Editor, Re. “Pay, trans. bumps for PoCo pols” (Oct. 28, The Tri-City News).
EDITORIAL: A gas pump sticker? Really?

EDITORIAL: A gas pump sticker? Really?

News flash: Gas is smelly and polluting, and the burning of fossil fuels contributes to climate change.
COLUMN: Trudeau's letters to Nana could help his son

COLUMN: Trudeau's letters to Nana could help his son

Letters from Pierre Trudeau could provide guidance to son Justin