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Yes, let's talk speed

Yes, let's talk speed

The Editor, Re. "Should speed limits be changed in British Columbia?" (Face to Face, The Tri-City News, Jan. 31). Good topic, but your columnists left something to be desired.
EDITORIAL: SOFI, so good for PoCo costs

EDITORIAL: SOFI, so good for PoCo costs

Thank you to the city of Port Coquitlam for deciding to post council expenses online so its residents can keep an eye on the important activities of government.
EDITORIAL: Senate scrutiny

EDITORIAL: Senate scrutiny

In one fell swoop Liberal leader Justin Trudeau knocked 32 senators on their butts and set in motion yet another firestorm of debate on the relevance and purpose of the Canadian Senate.
NELSON: Debate serves to distract public

NELSON: Debate serves to distract public

I started preparing this week by listing where, in the Tri-Cities, speed limits might safely be raised and where slow drivers are more dangerous than faster drivers.
COLUMN: Mastering the ability to live within our means

COLUMN: Mastering the ability to live within our means

S ince retiring and struggling to survive on a fixed income, no words strike greater fear in my heart while contemplating my financial security than to hear federal and provincial finance ministers talking about balancing their respective budgets.
RADIA: Current speed limits are fine

RADIA: Current speed limits are fine

L ast week, Transport Minister Todd Stone finished his two-month province wide consultation into the safety and speed limits of rural roads in British Columbia.
Let's face it: Taxes are going up

Let's face it: Taxes are going up

The Editor, Residents will remember the mayors who have been pushing for more taxes and using more of our municipal taxes for such things as "beautification" of transit stations.
Old man, take a look at YOUR facts

Old man, take a look at YOUR facts

The Editor, Re: Old man take a look at your facts, (The Tri-City News, Jan. 22). In his haste to discredit anyone taking the cause of the environment, Tom Fletcher omits a few facts himself. Or maybe it's just ignorance.
EDITORIAL: Offside choice

EDITORIAL: Offside choice

The city of Port Coquitlam has always been a friend to youth. So it comes as a shock that it's seeking to balance the budget by reducing the hours of a youth centre serving kids on the south side.
PoCo should reconsider cutting Offside hours

PoCo should reconsider cutting Offside hours

The Editor, I will be turning 16 in March and I am a grade 10 student at Terry Fox Secondary School. I recently found out the Offside Youth Centre in Port Coquitlam will have its hours reduced due to budget cuts.