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Editorial: PoCo's living wage is a start

Editorial: PoCo's living wage is a start

People with more money to spend may be more engaged, productive and contributing members of society
LETTER: Remember the animals at Christmas

LETTER: Remember the animals at Christmas

The Editor, At this special time of year, when we are all caught up in the spirit of giving, many worthwhile charities are holding pledge drives and the media attention they receive is overwhelming.
Help Port Coquitlam’s New View help

Help Port Coquitlam’s New View help

The Editor, Jill Calder is the executive director of the New View Society in Port Coquitlam.
LETTER: Coquitlam pool duo helped save mom’s life

LETTER: Coquitlam pool duo helped save mom’s life

The Editor, I am writing this letter in recognition of two employees who work for the city of Coquitlam at Poirier Sport and Leisure Complex as lifeguards.
LETTER: We don’t know the stories of all those who need our help

LETTER: We don’t know the stories of all those who need our help

The Editor, Re. “3030 Gordon: open doors & open arms” (The Tri-City News, Dec. 11).
LETTER: Kudos to Port Coquitlam for moves towards a living wage policy

LETTER: Kudos to Port Coquitlam for moves towards a living wage policy

The Editor, Re. “PoCo ctte. gives initial OK to living wage policy” (The Tri-City News, Dec. 9).
Editorial: It took leadership to get shelter built

Editorial: It took leadership to get shelter built

Advocacy groups and Coquitlam council deserve kudos for getting 3030 Gordon Avenue open for local homeless
Editorial: Good to give where you live

Editorial: Good to give where you live

Giving locally this holiday season will create plenty of positive spin-offs
LETTER: Access to education key for refugees and citizens

LETTER: Access to education key for refugees and citizens

The Editor, I have mixed emotions about welcoming the thousands of Syrian refugees soon due to arrive on our shores.
LETTER: Stop need for stop-gaps

LETTER: Stop need for stop-gaps

The Editor, One of the beautiful things about living in the Tri-Cities is that people are always trying to help others.