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COLUMN: There's only one way to solve B.C. child poverty: together

COLUMN: There's only one way to solve B.C. child poverty: together

The 2011 Child Poverty Report Card was released recently and the information was, once again, sobering. According to the report, B.C.'s child poverty rate rose from 14.5% to 15.4% in 2009.
Sending Christmas cards is pricey from Canada

Sending Christmas cards is pricey from Canada

The Editor, I ask myself why it costs so much for Canadians to send snail mail - yep, some of us still do that. I went to Bellingham and picked up all my stamps for overseas and within the U.S. for much lower prices .
EDITORIAL: A municipal auditor? You bet

EDITORIAL: A municipal auditor? You bet

Premier Christy Clark's announcement that a municipal auditor-general will be appointed is good news for taxpayers and it could be helpful to municipalities as well, should they choose to adopt a conciliatory approach.
Tri-City drivers must be cautious about pedestrians, too

Tri-City drivers must be cautious about pedestrians, too

The Editor, Re. "Parents, nag your children" (Letters, The Tri-City News, Nov. 23) . The headline on Lisa Bunnage's letter should also read "Children, nag your parents.
CBC is a good bargain for Canadian taxpayers

CBC is a good bargain for Canadian taxpayers

The Editor, Re. "Should Canadian taxpayers continue to help fund CBC?" (Face to Face, The Tri-City News, Nov. 18). Face to Face columnist Andy Radia's idea to privatize CBC because Canada can't afford it is feeble.
Education funding is crucial, says kindergarten teacher

Education funding is crucial, says kindergarten teacher

The Editor, I am writing to express my feelings of hopelessness. I am a kindergarten teacher of 18 years. I get up each morning and pour my heart and soul into making each day full of joyful learning for each of the precious wee ones brought to me.
RADIA: Electoral changes made to appease Quebec

RADIA: Electoral changes made to appease Quebec

FACE TO FACE: Is the Tory government's Fair Representation Act indeed fair? It seems the Stephen Harper government is following Ottawa's time-honoured tradition of kow-towing to the separatists in Quebec.
NELSON: Harper is just padding his lead with riding changes

NELSON: Harper is just padding his lead with riding changes

FACE TO FACE: Is the Tory government's Fair Representation Act indeed fair? Proposing an increase in the number of seats in Parliament is not an altruistic federal Conservative initiative to improve "representation by population" in the House of Comm
COLUMN: The wonders of weather

COLUMN: The wonders of weather

Weather is a wondrous thing. It's no wonder people talk about it all the time. Monday night it was the wind, blowing like the bejeezus, making the rain a weapon.
EDITORIAL: Locals only in local elections

EDITORIAL: Locals only in local elections

Canadians wouldn't want a resident of the U.S. running their country so why does the province of B.C.