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Bi-weekly green pickup in PoCo is a step back

Bi-weekly green pickup in PoCo is a step back

The Editor, I am writing regarding green waste pick-up in Port Coquitlam. At this time of year, a lot of people have a ton of leaves, fallen branches, etc. to dispose of so it makes no sense to me that the green pick-up has now reverted to bi-weekly.
CBC is crucial to Canada

CBC is crucial to Canada

The Editor, Re. "Privatize CBC - it's no big deal" (Face to Face, The Tri-City News, Nov. 18). Let's quit kicking the CBC. It was established by a Conservative prime minister in 1936.
CBC is 'Canada's Best Creation'

CBC is 'Canada's Best Creation'

The Editor, Re. "Privatize CBC - it's no big deal" (Face to Face, The Tri-City News, Nov. 18). The CBC is more than quality entertainment and a nation-wide voice. The CBC is also high-quality investigation and research.
EDITORIAL: Change needed in 2014

EDITORIAL: Change needed in 2014

The election of so many incumbents in Saturday's civic elections suggests Tri-City voters were either happy with the status quo or hadn't learned enough about challengers and simply chose names they knew on the ballot.
Parents, nag your children

Parents, nag your children

The Editor, I get concerned by children and teens walking in front of cars, especially during fall and winter. They don't realize cars can't stop as easily when it's icy.
NELSON: CBC provides the electronic ties that bind us

NELSON: CBC provides the electronic ties that bind us

FACE TO FACE: Should Canadian taxpayers continue to help fund CBC? Stop funding the CBC? My slash-and-burn colleague has gone too far. He has clearly drunk of the Tea Party Kool-Aid.
RADIA: Privatizing CBC is 'no big deal'

RADIA: Privatizing CBC is 'no big deal'

FACE TO FACE: Should Canadian taxpayers continue to help fund CBC? Last month, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation celebrated its 75th birthday.
COLUMN: Celebrating Banting, Best and her old pal insulin

COLUMN: Celebrating Banting, Best and her old pal insulin

Ah, insulin, we've had quite the ride haven't we? In the beginning, I was sure you were my enemy and, just like the scared, little kid I was, I avoided you at all costs - my health included.
EDITORIAL: Prepare and drive safely

EDITORIAL: Prepare and drive safely

The return of shorter days and snow warnings is already upon us. Yet many people persistently ignore the change of seasons. These are the folks who insist on wearing shorts with sneakers all year around and disdain winter coats in favour of hoodies.
Do your homework and vote

Do your homework and vote

The Editor, On Nov. 13, a leaflet was dropped through my mail slot recommending one of the mayoralty candidates, along with six names underneath for the available councillor spots in the Nov. 19 civic election.