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EDITORIAL: Use green cans - for the bears

EDITORIAL: Use green cans - for the bears

It may seem unsophisticated to the point of uselessness but Coquitlam's green can program will help reduce conflicts with bears and other animals if it is used properly, the city's Bear Aware co-ordinator says.
COLUMN: Where there's smoke, there's no help for diabetics

COLUMN: Where there's smoke, there's no help for diabetics

Close family and friends, co-workers, acquaintances and even a few unlucky strangers will attest to the fact that I am a vocal advocate of non-smoking, a major pest, in fact, to those who won't quit this stinky, disease-causing habit.
Bear-proof bins are an 'easy fix'

Bear-proof bins are an 'easy fix'

The Editor, Re. "Man attacked, bear killed" (The Tri-City News, Aug. 10). I am dismayed by the bear shooting in Anmore as a result of its attack on one of its residents.
Anmore councillor was acting for citizens

Anmore councillor was acting for citizens

The Editor, Re. "Voting machine fight gets ugly in Anmore" (The Tri-City News, Aug. 10). I want to thank reporter Todd Coyne for taking the time to present a balanced view of the voting machine issue in Anmore.
Watch yourself on St. Johns Street

Watch yourself on St. Johns Street

The Editor, I am writing about what I feel is a dangerous intersection. The intersection of Moray Street and St. Johns Street in Port Moody has become dangerous to pedestrians trying to cross.
EDITORIAL: Steady as she goes on debt and spending

EDITORIAL: Steady as she goes on debt and spending

Commentators worried that Canadians will go on a spending spree if interest rates stay steady or decline needn't worry.
NELSON: IMHO, cursive is just old-school

NELSON: IMHO, cursive is just old-school

FACE TO FACE:Should schools continue to teach 'joined-up' writing? Awizened, silver-haired woman sucks back a Red Bull, held in her age-spotted left hand.
O'NEILL: How about a little tradition

O'NEILL: How about a little tradition

FACE TO FACE: Should schools continue to teach 'joined-up' writing? The trouble in all too many of our modern schools, says a favourite writer of mine, "is that the State, being controlled so specially by the few, allows cranks and experiments to go
EDITORIAL: Fresh & local

EDITORIAL: Fresh & local

Supporting B.C. farmers is crucial if future generations are going to enjoy the taste of a juicy Okanagan peach or hot, buttered Chilliwack corn.
No parking on Coast Meridian

No parking on Coast Meridian

The Editor, Re. "It's Coast Meridian Highway" (Letters, The Tri-City News, Aug. 5).